Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape:

Types: Rape:

[Site] G e n e r a l

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London 2022.

[Info] Bourke, Joanna, et al. »Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence.« New Books in Women's History. New Books Network 2022.

[Info] Geay, Yannick. Le malheureux bourdon: Figuration du viol dans la littérature finiséculaire. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris VIII, 2005.

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Algerian History

[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »The Limits of 'Legal Pluralism': Consent, Rape, and Evidence in Colonial Algeria.« 45th Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society. Longueuil 2019.

[Info] Ghabrial, Sarah. »Illegible Allegations: Navigating the Meanings of Rape in Colonial Algeria.« French Politics, Culture & Society 39 (2021): 59-82.

[Site] Burundian History

[Site] Congolese History

[Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015.

[Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Historicizing Sexual Violence in Colonial Congo, between Legal and Social History: Rape, Consent and Colonial Courts in the Belgian Congo (1880-1960).« 23rd Annual Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians. Naples 2017.

[Site] Nigerian History

Types: Slave Rape

[Site] Rwandan History

[Site] Senegalese History

Types: Prison Rape

[Site] South African History

[Info] Graham, Jessica A. “Keep the Boys Happy”: A Critical Investigation into Rape Trends at the Cape, 1795-1895. M.A. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2018.

[Info] Thornberry, Elizabeth. Colonizing Consent: Rape and Governance in South Africa's Eastern Cape. Cambridge 2019.

[Site] Tanzanian History

[Site] Zimbabwean History

[Info] Kennedy, Dane. Islands of White: Settler Society and Culture in Kenya and Southern Rhodesia 1890-1939. Durham 1987.

[Site] A m e r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Argentine History

[Site] Brazilian History

[Info] Cunha, Mônica M., et al. »A justiça em Pernambuco do oitocentos: Os crimes contra a segurança da honra (1831-1850).« LexCult 4 (2020): 259-287.

[Info] Silva, Cicero W.N. da, et al. »O crime de defloramento na literatura e imprensa cearense (1870-1890).« Macabéa 9 (2020): 177-189.

[Site] Canadian History

[Info] Erickson, Lesley A. »"Hired Hands" and Deviant Women: Sex Crime Prosecutions in the Canadian West, 1889-1940.« 80th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Quebec City 2002.

[Info] Grazley, Robin C. Nothing "Improper" Happened: Sex, Marriage, and Colonial Identity in Upper Canada, 1783-1850. Ph.D. Thesis, Queen's University, 2010.

[Info] Olson, Ruth A. »Rape: An 'Un-Victorian' Aspect of Life in Upper Canada.« Ontario History 68 (1976): 75-79.

[Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. »"A Most Detestable Crime": Gender Identities and Sexual Violence in the District of Montreal, 1803-1843.« 80th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Quebec City 2002.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. »"A Most Detestable Crime": Gender Identities and Sexual Violence in the District of Montreal, 1803-1843.« Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 12 (2001): 27-48.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. »'I Am Altogether Innocent of the Crimes So Falsely Imputed to Me': Men and Masculinity in Sexual Violence Cases for the District of Montreal, 1803-1867.« 81st Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Toronto 2002.

[Info] Ramos, Sandy. »‘I Am Strongly Inclined to Doubt its Probability’: Nineteenth-Century Notions of Rape in the Medico-Legal Discourse.« 83rd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Historical Association. Winnipeg 2004.

[Site] Caribbean History

Types: Slave Rape; Victims: Narratives: The History of Mary Prince

[Site] Chilean History

[Info] Celis Valderrama, Nicolás. »Delitos, violencias y escándalos sexuales en Chile: Escalas de análisis metodológico (fines siglo XVIII - mediados siglo XIX).« Nuevo Mundo, Mundos Nuevos (2018).

[Info] Celis Valderrama, Nicolás. »Delitos, violencias y escándalos sexuales en Chile: Escalas de análisis metodológico (fines siglo XVIII - mediados siglo XIX).« Nuevo Mundo, Mundos Nuevos (2018).

[Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Higiene y degeneración en el tratamiento médico-legal de la violencia sexual en Chile.« Actas - Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana 23 (2020).

[Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »La Medicina Legal y el delito de violación en Chile (1875-1922).« Dynamis 40 (2020): 125-146.

[Site] Colombian History

Types: Slave Rape,

Wartime Rape

[Info] Mendieta Afanador, Santiago. Delitos sexuales y contra la familia en Santander a finales del periodo colonial (1774-1810). Trabajo de Grado, Universidad Industrial de Santander, 2017.

[Info] Plata, William E., et al. »Delitos sexuales y contra la familia en el Nororiente del Virreinato de la Nueva Granada, 1774-1810: De la norma a la aplicación.« Historia y Espacio No. 52 (2019): 109-136.

[Site] Costa Rican History

[Site] Cuban History

[Site] Guatemalan History

[Site] Jamaican History

[Site] Mexican History

[Info] Baltazar Mozqueda, Diana. Conflictos nupciales en los tribunales de justicia: estupro, adulterio y malos tratos. Estudios de caso en la ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro, 1770-1810. Tesis, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, 2018.

[Info] Benítez Barba, Laura. »Delitos contra la honestidad, rapto, estupro, violación y fuerza en Jalisco, 1872-1873.« Tras el estigma del infortunio: Fotografía carcelaria en el primer cantón de Jalisco, 1872-1873. Guadalajara 2012: 183-210.

[Info] Flores Méndez, Yessenia. »Violencia contra la mujer, divorcio y relaciones de género en Tamaulipas a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX: Una mirada histórica.« Contribución al análisis de la violencia familiar en Tamaulipas.Edited by Victor Daniel Jurado Flores. Ciudad Victoria 2020: 17-55.

[Info] López Martínez, Jesús. »Una introducción al estudio de los procesos criminales por violación y estupro en los años precursores a la independencia política de la Nueva España (mujer y violencia: 1749-1821).« Revista Fuentes Humanisticas 2 (1992): 22-27.

[Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Tutela y desposesión corporal ante casos de estupro, rapto y violación en la Ciudad de México del siglo XIX.« Cuerpos que hablan: Estudios interdisciplinarios de cuerpología femenina. Edited by Oana Ursache et al. Turku 2017: 187-201.

[Info] Palafox Menegazzi, Alejandra. »Los “padres del vecindario”: Sistema policial y delitos sexuales en la ciudad de México (1824-1880).« Revista Historia y Justicia No. 12 (2019).

[Site] U.S. History

[Info] Bardaglio, Peter W. »"Unmatched in Iniquity": Race, Marriage, and Rape Narratives in the Nineteenth-Century South.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Louisville 2000.

[Info] Barnes, Elizabeth. »“I Saw Their Stars”: Race, Rape, and Policing in the Reconstruction South.« 85th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Louisville 2019.

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor No. 743 (2010): 407-416.

[Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Histoire de la violence en Occident de 1800 à nos jours. Paris 1981.

[Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Storia della violenza in Occidente dal 1800 a oggi . Milan 1982.

[Info] Cunningham, Caitlin A. Intimate invasions: Rape, race, age, and the law in California, 1848-1900. Ph.D. Thesis, Birkbeck, University of London, 2020.

[Info] DeLucia, Christine. »Seeking Circles of Dialogue and Accountability.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 685-692.

[Info] Edwards, Rebecca. »'The Rapist is a Product of Reconstruction': Disfranchisement and the Rhetoric of Sexual Crime.« 62nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Little Rock 1996.

[Info] Feimster, Crystal. »Raped and Lynched: Black Female Victims of Mob Violence in the New South, 1880-1930.« 65th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Fort Worth 1999.

[Info] Freedman, Estelle. »The Politics of Rape in American History: Gender, Race, and Social Change.« 99th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2006.

[Info] Fuentes, Marisa J. »Historical Care and the (Re)Writing of Sexual Violence in the Colonial Americas.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 693-700.

[Info] Gonda, Susan. Strumpets and Angels: Rape, Seduction, and the Boundaries of Consensual Sex in the Northeast, 1789-1870. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California at Los Angeles, 1999.

[Info] Hobson, Janell, et al. »Black Women, Sexual Violence, and Resistance in the United States.« The Routledge Companion to Black Women‘s Cultural Histories. Edited by Janell Hobson. New York 2021.

[Info] Hodes, Martha. »Rethinking, Revising, Rewriting: An Appeal for Unfinished Scholarship.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 709-714.

[Info] Hough, Mazie. »’About the Age of 21 and Influenced by Spirituous Liquor’: Constructions of Rape in 19th-Century Maine.« The New England Historical Association Fall Conference 2012. North Andover 2012.

[Info] Hough, Mazie. »Gender and the Law: Criminal Justice in Transition in Maine, 1878-1900.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Koneval, Joni L. A "Peculiar Offence": Legal, Popular, and Gendered Perceptions of Rape in the Early American Republic, 1790 – 1850. M.A. Thesis, Youngstown State University, 2012.

[Info] Kotch, Seth. Lethal State: A History of the Death Penalty in North Carolina. Chapel Hill 2019.

[Info] Manion, Jennifer. »Historic Heteroessentialism and Other Orderings in Early America.« Signs 34 (2009): 981-1003.

[Info] Mgadmi, Mahassen. »Voicing Trauma through Silence: African American Women's Rape Experiences in the Nineteenth Century.« De Facto Trauma Reconsidered. Edited by Faten Haouioui. Newcastle upon Tyne 2021: 69-83.

[Info] Pierce, Alexandra. »“Sexual Savages”: Christian Stereotypes and Violence Against North America’s Native Women.« Religion and Men's Violence Against Women. Edited by Andy J. Johnson. New York 2015: 63-97.

[Info] Putnam, Lara. »"Rewriting the Rape of Rachel" and How History Changes.« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 701-708.

[Info] Rhoades, Sophia. The Evolution of Defining Rape in the United States. Honors Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2020.

[Info] Roberts, Dorothy. »The Paradox of Silence and Display: Sexual Violation of Enslaved Women and Contemporary Contradictions in Black Female Sexuality.« Beyond Slavery: Overcoming Its Religious and Sexual Legacy. Waltham 2006.

[Info] Robertson, Stephen. »"Doing Away with Consent": Rape, the Age of Consent, and Female Sexual Subjectivity in New York City, 1896-1916.« Third Social History Conference. Cincinnati 1993.

[Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020).

[Info] Swenson Arnold, Brie A. "Competition for the Virgin Soil of Kansas": Gendered and Sexualized Discourse about the Kansas Crisis in Northern Popuplar Print and Political Culture, 1854-1860. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 2008.

[Info] Wagner, Sally R. Sisters in Spirit: Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influences on Early American Feminists. Summertown 2001.

[Info] Wagner, Sally R. »The Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Influence on Early American Feminists.« Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Philadelphia 2005.

[Info] Weiner, Neil A., et al. »Violence Arrests in the City: The Philadephia Story, 1857-1980.« Violence in America. Vol. 1. Edited by Ted R. Gurr. London 1989: 102-121.

[Info] Williams, Nora E.G. They Done a Very Bad Act: Rape in the Civil War and Reconstruction. Honors Thesis, Wofford College, 2021.

[Info] Zhang, SJ. »"To Share How We Know": Mourning and Meaning-Making in "Rewriting the Rape of Rachel".« The William and Mary Quarterly 80 (2023): 677-684.

[Site] Venezuelan History

Types: Wartime Rape

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Burmese History

[Info] Saha, Jonathan. »The male state: Colonialism, corruption and rape investigations in the Irrawaddy Delta c.1900.« Indian Economic and Social History Review 47 (2010): 343-376.

[Info] Saha, Jonathan. Law, Disorder and the Colonial State: Corruption in Burma c.1900. Basingstoke 2013.

[Site] Chinese History

[Info] Ng, Vivien. »Sexual Abuse of Daughters-in-Law in Qing China: Cases from the Xing'an HuilanFeminist Studies 20 (1994): 373-391.

[Site] Indian History

[Info] Ludwig, Manju. »Bodies in pain: Gewalt an sexuell „devianten“ männlichen und Transgender-Körpern im kolonialen Indien.« Peripherie 40 (2020): 125-146.

[Site] Japanese History

Representations: Art: Katsushika Hokusai

[Site] Singaporean History

[Site] Turkish History

[Info] Shannon-Chastain, Joshua. For Queen and Sultan: Anglo-Ottoman Advisors, Soldiers, Mercenaries and Imperial Agents in War and State (1853-1878). M.A. Thesis, ?stanbul Bilgi University, 2016.

[Site] Yemeni History

Representations: Travel Writing: Hayyim Habshush

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] General

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sadism: A history of non-consensual sexual cruelty.« The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy 2 (2020): 1-12.

[Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Histoire de la violence en Occident de 1800 à nos jours. Paris 1981.

[Info] Chesnais, Jean-Claude. Storia della violenza in Occidente dal 1800 a oggi . Milan 1982.

[Site] Austrian History

[Site] Dutch History

[Info] Monballyu, Jos. »De vervolging van verkrachtingen en aanrandingen van de eerbaarheid voor het Hof van Assisen van het Leiedepartement/de provincie West-Vlaanderen, 1811-1867« Pro Memorie 26 (2024): 229-261.

[Info] van der Heijden, Manon, et al. »Leniency versus Toughening?The Prosecution of Male and Female Violence in 19th Century Holland.« Journal of Social History 49 (2015): 149-167.

[Site] English History

[Info] Alker, Zoë. Street Violence in Mid-Victorian Liverpool. Ph.D. Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2014.

[Info] Barrow, Robin. »Raped on the Railway? Sex, Safety, and Moral Panic in the Victorian Press.« The Global and the Local. Venice 2013.

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »‘Animal Instincts’: The sexual abuse of women with learning difficulties, 1830s-1910s.« Women's History Review 29 (2020): 1201-1217.

[Info] Boyd, Monica. »Victorian Hauntings: Rape Myths, Sexualized Crime, and #MeToo.« 17th Annual Conference of the North American Victorian Studies Association. Columbus 2019.

[Info] Bourke, Joanna. »Sexual violation and trauma in historical perspective.« Arbor No. 743 (2010): 407-416.

[Info] Boyd, Monica. Dismembering Rape Culture: Exposing Ghosts of Sexual Violence from London, 1870-1890. Ph.D. Thesis, Arizona State University, 2020.

[Info] D’Cruze, Shani. »Approaching the History of Rape and Sexual Violence: Notes towards research.« Women's History Review 1 (1992): 377-397.

[Info] Dalley, Lana L., et al., eds. »Victorian Literature in the Age of #MeToo.« 2020.

[Info] Dalley, Lana L., et al. »Victorian Literature in the Age of #MeToo: An Introduction.« Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 16.2 (2020).

[Info] Dzelzainis, Ella, org. Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012.

[Info] Ferguson, Christine. »‘Where Sex is the First Great Teacher’: Rape and the Woman's Reincarnation Romance at the Fin de Siècle28th Annual Conference of the Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Association. Fort Worth 2020.

[Info] Nichols, Kate. »Bodies Changed to Other Forms: Ovid and the Visual Language of Seduction and Rape in 1890s Manchester.« Taking Liberties: Sex, Pleasure, Coercion (1748-1928). Newcastle upon Tyne 2012.

[Info] Sood, Asmita, et al. »Cultural History of Sexual Violence.« Talking Research (January 8, 2020).

[Info] Spampinato, Erin A. Awful Nearness: Rape and the English Novel, 1740–1900. Ph.D. Thesis, City University of New York, 2020.

[Info] Startup, Radojka. Damaging Females: Representations of women as victims and perpetrators of crime in the mid nineteenth century. Ph.D. Thesis, University College London, 2000.

[Info] Stevenson, Kim. »Fulfilling their Mission: The Intervention of Voluntary Societies in Cases of Sexual Assault in the Victorian Criminal Process.« Crime, History and Society 8 (2004): 93-110.

[Info] Thierauf, Doreen. »Reading Rape at Liberalism’s Margin.« 2021 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver 2021.

[Info] Tromp, Marlene. »Conclusion: What does it take to say “Me” in Victorian Studies? Experiential Analysis in the Age of #MeToo.« Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 16.2 (2020).

[Site] Finnish History

[Info] Vuorela, Miikka. »The historical criminal statistics of Finland 1842-2015: A systematic comparision to Sweden.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42 (2018): 95-117.

[Site] French History

[Info] Ferron, Laurent. »Prouver le crime de viol au XIXe siècle.« La Preuve en justice de l'Antiquité à nos jours. Edited by Bruno Lemesle. Rennes 2003: 211-219.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Discursive and Rhetorical Shifts: Rape Narratives in Fiction, Law, and the Canards.« Annual Meeting of the International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Paris 2003.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »La représentation des viols dans les canards sanglants au XIXe siècle.« Masculin/Féminin et presse au XIXe siècle. Lyon 2008.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Cadavers and a Cast of Characters Tell the Tale of Rape in the Canards Sanglants of Fin-de-Siècle France.« Romance Studies Colloquium. Jersey City 2009.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Permutations of Genre, Gender and Guilt: Rape Narratives in the Canards Sanglants of Nineteenth-Century France.« Genre/genre(s) - Gender/Genre. Lille 2009.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Speaking for the Dead or Victimized Bodies of Rape: The Role of the Médecins légistes in Nineteenth-Century fin-de-siècle French Law, Medicine and Criminology.« Gender, Bodies and Technology. Roanoke 2010.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Coded Texts, Dead Bodies, and the Unsayable: How Rape Makes News in the Canards Sanglants of Nineteenth-Century France.« International Conference on Narrative. St. Louis 2011.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Narrating the Lives and Demise of Victims and Perpetrators of Rape: Rhetorical Reversals of Guilt in Nineteenth-Century Canards sanglants.« Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Los Angeles 2011.

[Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Facts of the Crime: The Celestial and the State, Reporting Rape in 19th-Century France's Canards Sanglants.« 11th Annual Conference of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes. Exeter 2013.

[Site] German History

Cases: Real Offenders: Joseph Völk, Ludwig Völk; Representations: Literary Texts: Heinrich von Kleist; Types: Child Sexual Abuse, Prison Rape, Same-Sex Rape

[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2002.

[Info] Eder, Franz X. Kultur der Begierde: Eine Geschichte der Sexualität. Munich 2009.

[Info] Kienitz, Sabine. »Rache als Geschäft? Sexualität und Selbstermächtigung in historisch-kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022.

[Info] Tomovic, Jelena. Sexualität in der Geschichte: Innige Praktiken sozialer Kommunikation 1700–1850: ein »Sexual Turn«. Göttingen 2024.

[Info] Zander, Sylvina. Zwischen »ehrbar« und »liederlich«: Zur Geschichte der Frauen in Oldesloe vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Hamburg 2024.

[Site] Greek History

Types: Wartime Rape; Representations: Literary Texts: Antonios Matesis

[Site] Irish History

Cases: Offenders: John Cornwall, Jeremiah Murphy; Victims: Mary Brien, Margaret Corcoran; Representations: Literary Texts: George Moore; Types: Child Sexual Abuse

[Site] Italian History

Representations: Literary Texts: Sibillia Aleramo (Una donna), Federico De Roberto; Musical Theatre: Gioachino Rossini, Giuseppe Verdi; Types: Interracial Rape

[Site] Maltese History

[Info] D’Anastas, Anthea-Marie. 'Rape' in the mid 19th century Malta: Historico-legal aspects in 1844-1864, before and after the promulgation of the Criminal Code 1854. LL.B. Thesis, L-Università ta' Malta, 2018.

[Site] Portuguese History

[Info] Poiares, Nuno C.L., et al. »Igreja Católica e direito criminal: Uma abordagem sociológica ao Código Penal Português (1886).« Rever 19 (2019): 311-329.

[Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Palácio da Justiça: Imagens sobre mulheres, sexualidade e violência a partir dos discursos e práticas judiciais. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade do Minho, 2016.

[Info] Ventura, Isabel. Medusa no Palácio da Justiça ou Uma História da Violação Sexual. Lisbon 2018.

[Site] Polish History

Representations: Literary Texts: Gabriela Zapolska

[Site] Russian History

[Info] Freeze, ChaeRan Y. »Epistemic Injustice in Jewish Rape and Seduction Court Cases in Tsarist Russia.« 51st Annual Conference of the Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. San Diego 2019.

[Info] Collins, Kristin. »The Making of Rape Culture: Sexual Violence in the Nineteenth-century Caucasus.« 29th Annual Conference of the World History Association. Salt Lake City 2020.

[Site] Scottish History

[Info] Barrie, David G., et al. Police Courts in Nineteenth-Century Scotland. Vol. 1. Farnham 2014.

[Info] Barrie, David G., et al. Police Courts in Nineteenth-Century Scotland. Vol. 1. London 2016.

[Site] Spanish History

Representations: Literary Texts: María Rosa Gálvez de Cabrera; Types: Child Sexual Abuse, Wartime Rape

[Info] Tovar Pulido, Raquel. »El delito de violación en la Codificación Penal española de los siglos XIX-XX: Una approximación a su análisis jurisprudencial.« GLOSSAE 21 (2024): 453-472.

[Site] Swedish History

[Info] Vuorela, Miikka. »The historical criminal statistics of Finland 1842-2015: A systematic comparision to Sweden.« International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 42 (2018): 95-117.

[Site] Swiss History

[Info] Loetz, Francisca. »Probleme mit der Sünde: Sexualdelikte im Europa der Frühen Neuzeit.« Gottlosigkeit und Eigensinn: Religiöse Devianz im konfessionellen Zeitalter. Edited by Eric Piltz et al. Berlin 2015: 207-236.

[Site] Welsh History

[Info] Watson, Katherine D. »Women, violent crime and criminal justice in Georgian Wales.« Continuity and Change 28 (2013): 245-272.

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

[Info] Anderson, Steven. A History of Capital Punishment in the Australian Colonies, 1788 to 1900. Cham 2020.

[Info] Barber, Ross. Capital Punishment in Queensland. B.A. Thesis, University of Queensland, 1967.

[Info] Barber, R.N., et al. »Deterrent Aspect of Capital Punishment and its Effect on Conviction Rates: The Queensland Experience.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 1 (1968): 100-108.

[Info] Barber, Ross N. Rape and Other Sexual Offences in Queensland: An Historical and Behavioural Analysis. M.A. Thesis, University of Queensland, 1970.

[Info] Barber, Ross. »Rape as a Capital Offence in Nineteenth Century Queensland.« Australian Journal of Politics and History 21 (1975): 31-41.

[Info] Bavin-Mizzi, Jill. Raping Matilda: Sexual Assault in Late-Nineteenth-Century Australia. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Australia, 1993.

[Info] Bavin-Mizzi, Jill. Ravished: Sexual violence in Victorian Australia. Sydney 1995.

[Info] Bavin-Mizzi, Jill. »Understandings of Justice: Australian Rape and Carnal Knowledge Cases, 1876-1924.« Sex, Power and Justice: Historical Perspectives on Law in Australia. Edited by Diane Kirkby. Melbourne 1996: 19-32.

[Info] Bottoms, Timothy. Conspiracy of Silence: Queensland's frontier killing times. Sydney 2013.

[Info] Collins, Anne-Maree. »Testimonies of Sex: Rape in Queensland, 1880-1919.« Journal of Australian Studies 15 (1991): 50-63.

[Info] Lincoln, Ian. The Punishment of Crime in Queensland 1860-1890. Honours Thesis, University of Queensland, 1966.

[Info] Reekie, Gail. »Writing about rape in 1888.« Australia 1888 No. 12 (1983): 32-39.

[Info] Rhook, Nadia. »Speech, Sex, and Mobility: Norwegian Women in a Late Nineteenth-Century "English-speaking" Settler Colony.« Journal of Women's History 28 (2016): 58-81.

[Info] Sullivan, Barbara. »Rape, Prostitution and Consent.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 40 (2007): 127-142.

[Site] Fijian History

[Info] Gunson, Niel. »British Missionaries and Sexuality: The Polynesian Legacy and its Aftermath.« European Impact and Pacific Influence: British and German Colonial Policy in the Pacific Islands and the Indigenous Response. Edited by Hermann J. Hiery et al. London 1997: 279-298.

[Site] Hawaiian History

[Info] Nelligan, Peter J. Social Change and Rape Law in Hawaii. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1983.

[Site] New Zealand History

[Info] Cozens, Erin F. 'The Shadow Only Be Their Portion': Gendered Colonial Spaces in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 1840-1855. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2011.

[Info] Cozens, Erin F. »“Our Particular Abhorrence of These Particular Crimes”: Sexual Violence and Colonial Legal Discourse in Aotearoa / New Zealand, 1840–1855.« Journal of the History of Sexuality 24 (2015): 378-401.

[Info] Cunningham, Caitlin A. "Unfit for Publication": Rape, Assault, and Assault with Intent in Colonial Aotearoa New Zealand, 1842-1872. M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2014.

[Info] Sullivan, Barbara. »Rape, Prostitution and Consent.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 40 (2007): 127-142.

[Site] Samoan History

[Info] Gunson, Niel. »British Missionaries and Sexuality: The Polynesian Legacy and its Aftermath.« European Impact and Pacific Influence: British and German Colonial Policy in the Pacific Islands and the Indigenous Response. Edited by Hermann J. Hiery et al. London 1997: 279-298.

[Site] Tahitian History

Representations: Art: Paul Gauguin